Wednesday, February 16, 2011


So every time I try to load a photo on here, it takes over 45 minutes. I don't know what is going on, but it is very frustrating! With everything else I have going on in my life, I don't really need any extra frustration... I think I might just make this a weekly blog until I can figure out what is wrong. Also, my camera is going into the shop for the week and I am getting lasik on Friday so I will be out for awhile. Sorry gusy! I'll be back eventually!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 42

Got to snuggle beautiful baby Hanna today! Just 2 days old and soooooo pretty and sweet!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 38

Happy Birthday Joseph! Thanks for letting us celebrate with you yesterday.

Day 37

New baby shoot yesterday! Little baby L couldn't have been sweeter and my goodness, big brother and big sister were total superstars! Love it!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 36

Okay, I am cheating again with another Florida pic. BUT, it's very cold, sleety and snowy out today, and I was all alone doing marathon cleaning and unpacking. And this picture makes me happy.

Day 35

Basket with blinds

Grady playing on my phone (in Florida)

I did an extra pic to make up for some of the time I was gone on vacation. I was shooting then, A TON! So I'll post some here and there.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 34

Tap Dance Recital Picture Day! Moi is soooo cute in her little blue outfit!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 33

BIG ice storm last night. I woke up and through raccoons were trying to break into our house b/c it was soooo loud on the metal roof. This is the first thing I saw when I looked out back this morning.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 33

Ice storm today. More to come. Boo.

Day 32

Entertainment for the day: Place bowl of very enticing bird food by the back door and get the cat all riled up, and hence the kids all riled up when squirrels and birds come to check it out.

Days 22-31

Hi all! Sorry I was gone for a bit. We literally take one vacation a year and this was it. With how slow my pictures upload to blogger, I am just going to put this one image to represent our time on our trip, might add an image here and there, but if I force myself to do one image for the days we were gone I am afraid it will never happen. We had a lovely trip, how could we not when this is what we opened our front door to everyday!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 21

Off for some warmer weather! Might be blogging while away, might make up for it when I get back, not sure yet. Stay tuned!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 20

Finally snuck outside for a moment today. It's snowing. Hard, yucky, rain like snow. Took a few shots of the bushes out front with the snow falling in the background. Thought this one looked pretty in Antique light.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 18

Okay, I am going to cheat a bit here. This is pic is from yesterday at the conservatory. (packing for vacation here, very busy) We were delighted to find out that they didn't dismantle the holiday rotating choo choo display, they just moved it to a different room. Very cool!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 17

We went to the Franklin Park Conservatory today. It's one of our favorite cold weather places to go. Grady fell asleep in the car on the way down, so he was cranky when we go there. I would say "Hey Grady, do you want to sit on the steps here?" He would usally agree but I got lots of "I don't want to" which is his new favorite phrase, which is kind of cute but I'm sure it will get old. Anywho, they have the orchid exhibit right now, and here are some pretty ones in the foggy "Himalayan Mountain" room.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 15

This is from my new phone camera, which is actually pretty decent. I had a really bad migraine for most of the day and a stomach ache, so I didn't feel like doing much... Went to lunch with Missy after my hair apt and glad I took a quick picture as I was waiting for her, so at least I have something to show for the day. We met at the Surly Girl Salon. We like it there.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 14

Here is a picture taken with me sitting on the couch in front of the picture window at the front of our house. One of the reason's I loved this house was for the neighborhood. It is just very charming. We have a brick lined road and all of the houses are very unique and have the cutest little front porches. It makes me happy to walk outside b/c I know our neighbors across the street will always have some sort of well thought out but not overly embellished seasonal decoration that is just very comfortable and pleasant to look at. It feels like home.  You can't really see the front porches in this picture, I guess I'll save that for another post :)  It's a winter wonderland out there today.  The snow hasn't fallen for a few days but it is definitely not going anywhere. The purple flowers are obviously fake, but they still look pretty cute. I have determined that purple really goes with every season, so they stay up year round.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 12

Took Grady to the Firefly Play Cafe this morning while Moi was in school. Then I went to meet a friend at a photographer's studio where they rent out their studio space. Looks really awesome and pretty reasonable. I think I'm going to try it out in the new few months.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 11

Just a lazy day hanging around the house today. Lots of snow, we didn't feel like dealing with it.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 10

It was "spin art" kind of day. Very dark and gray outside, we needed some color.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 8

Snowy day today. This is actually a pine cone bird feeder from last year. We made them for everyone for Christmas and had a few extra we hung around the house. Bird seed is long gone but the pinecone remains.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 7

I'll call this entry "The Bed" (extra bonus pic today). We switched around our bedroom and the playroom a few months ago. The kids don't want to seem to acknowledge that our bedroom is not their playroom anymore and spend countless hours playing on our bed. That is fine, until they start JUMPING. The Pediatrician told me that more head injury comes from the bed than from any other things combined, so I am super paranoid about it and spend most of my day trying to find ways to keep Grady off the bed (our bedroom door just has a curtain right now). Grady just gives me a sly little grin and runs to jump. Moira hides from the camera of course b/c don't you know "Mommy's camera is disgusting". Sigh

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 5

Grady had a little friend over today.

Day 4

Moira (my 5 year old little girl) says: Mommy, I am just going to put out a snack and some winter gloves in case the Care Bears decide to come by our house and need a snack or need to get warm. She took quite awhile picking out the perfect snack (greek yogurt with one strawberry) and special but not TOO special (like the scarf mommy made for her) winter clothes for them. It was a sweet little project.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3

I'll call this "The Secret Room". If you follow my blog this year, hopefully you will eventually know more about this!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2

I saw an old birthday candle on this little shelf in a vestibule of our downstairs.  I thought it would make and interesting picture. It didn't.  Then I knocked down said shelf, and got a more interesteting photograph...

Day 1 of 365

It's kind of cool how there is still a hint of the holidays left when New Year's comes around.
(met my friend Susan and her little 1 year old boy Andrew at the Conservatory for a fun visit/super casual photo shoot)

Happy 2011 everybody, make it your year!

I plan on posting a new pic every day this year, so stay tuned.